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Steel rim vs. Alloy rim

Alloy rims or Steel rims? Find the answers here 

Choosing the right rim for your car can be quite tricky, especially when it comes to the right rim type or rim material. A classic problem is the choice between alloy rims and steel rims. This article will summarize and compare some basic features of the two to help you choose the right rim. 

Steel Rims

Steel rims are the easy choice for many people. Steel rims fulfill the minimum purpose of a rim for a wheel and are usually standard equipment on small cars. They consist of wheel dish and a wheel disc, which are welded together. 

Advantages of steel rims

A strong advantage of the steel rim: it is very cheap. In addition, they are very weather resistant and very tough (for example, curbs can barely scratch them). In addition, steel rims are very suitable for off-road use and even compact dirt on the rim is not a problem. This is also one of the reasons why steel rims are great for winter use.

Disadvantages of steel rims

However, you also have to look at the downside of steel rims. Often, the weight of a steel rim is named as a major disadvantage, but this is only partially true. While it is true that a very classic steel rim is heavier than an alloy rim. However, many of the modern steel rims are pressed thinner than they used to be. In addition, numerous other changes in manufacturing quickly shrink the weight difference. Still, the mass of a steel rim affects driving dynamics and makes it seem a bit more cumbersome. Steel rims can accumulate rust, but usually this consists only of surface rust and is accordingly easy to remove. With the correct and regular care of the steel rims, it is not a problem at all!

Aluminum rims

Aluminum rims are particularly popular because they have a very nice appearance and a variety of design options (e.g. colors). 

Advantages of aluminum rims 

In addition to the standout look, another advantage is that aluminum rims are cast in one piece and are therefore more fundamentally stable. The driving dynamics are better with aluminum rims, because they have a spring-like effect. In addition, aluminum rims are gentler on the braking system due to their thermal conductivity. Rust hardly settles on aluminum rims, if at all. 

Disadvantages of aluminum rims 

Of course, the downside of aluminum rims must also be pointed out. Aluminum rims are significantly more expensive than steel rims. In addition, they are more susceptible to scratches and other damage (and expensive to repair). The standard aluminum rim also doesn't do well with poor surfaces and road salt, for example; so aluminum rims are not ideal for winter use. But there is an alternative for that, too: winter alloy rims. They are usually available for an additional charge yet compared to steel rims, they cannot compete in terms of stability and robustness. 

In rare cases, aluminum rims can sometimes get stuck on the wheel suspension, which is due to the interaction of steel and aluminum. Various pastes help against this. 

Order your original alloy wheel in our store now! 

Summary of the advantages and disadvantages of steel and aluminum rims

Steel rim Aluminium rim
Cost ✔ Cheaper ✘ Expensive
Looks ✘ Simple looks ✔ Very good looks, many rim designs
Influence of the Weather ✔ High resistance to the waether and against damange
✔ Rather resistant against salt and difficult terrrain (ready for winter)
✘ Takes damage quickly when the weather is harsh and gathers visual damage (expensive repair)
✘ Not completely ready for the winter
Driving dynamic ✘ Slow ✔ Better suspension, good comfort
✔ Ideal for high speeds
Stability ✘ Welded ✔ Casted piece
Weight ✘ Older rims: heavy
✔ New rims: light
✔ Very light
Additionally Possibly rust on the surface Possibly problems with the wheel suspension

Learn more about rim care